Boat Parade 2015
Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

What a beautiful day we had on Sat. July 4th. We had an excellent turn out of participants and lots of people out on their docks to cheer on the parade. It was quite a site. We had 15 boats in the parade this year. This year we had no specific theme but that didn’t quell the creativity of our parade. We had Hippies from the sixties, TV sitcom stars, Dynasties (quack quack), Lots of Americana and costuming to fit in as well. Big boats, small boats and tiny boats in tow were all a part of this year’s flotilla.

Check out the photos in the Gallery area. Bill Raboin did a fantasitc job of photographing the particpants as well as the shore watchers.

This year’s winner was the Rappold family in the SS Minnow of Gilliagan’s Island fame. The Skipper and Gilligan along with Mrs. Howell collected the traveling trophies and the bragging rights for the year. We hope to see everyone back next year and even more participation for this fun afternoon on the 4th.
A very special thanks to this year’s participants and we apologize as we know we missed a couple of you. Rappold, Rydzewski, Raboin, Haroldson, Kurhajec, Pichler, Ostrander, Pallardy, Hooser Priefer, Pedracine, Adam, and Nelson. We hope to have you all back next year and some more of the residents as well.

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