Annual Meeting 2016
Sunday, May 8th, 2016

Mark your calendar now. You and your family are invited to the lake association annual meeting on Sat. July 23th at 9:00. Come early and enjoy coffee and donuts put on by the social committee. It will be a good chance to catch up with some lake side friends as well as meeting a few folks you may not know. We will lead off our meeting with our guest presentation from the Northland Discovery Center. The presentation this year is all about your noisy backyard neighbors, The Northwood’s Woodpeckers.
Licia Johnson, Naturalist/Educator of the North Lakeland Discovery Center will be our presenter again this year. For those of you that may have seen her before, she does an outstanding job helping us understand the critters we live with here in the north woods. In the past she has helped us all better understand Bats, she defined the vital roles of Owls, and helped us see the tiniest of birds the Hummingbirds. Come and see the presentation beginning at 9:00. Even if you can’t stay for the business meeting following the presentation, your family will enjoy learning more about the local wildlife that make being up north so special.

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